
Fraxinus spp. (Ash)



Like sunshine, resistant to half shade


2-3 times every week


Apply enough base fertilizers


Remove dead and diseased branches timely

More info

Fraxinus spp., commonly known as Ash trees, belong to the Oleaceae family and are deciduous trees that can range from small to large in size. These trees are admired for their graceful and stately appearance, with a well-defined and rounded crown of spreading branches. The bark of Fraxinus spp. is typically smooth and silvery-gray when young, transitioning to a more furrowed and ridged texture as it matures.

The leaves of Fraxinus spp. are compound, with 5-11 leaflets arranged opposite each other along a central stem. These leaflets are ovate or lanceolate in shape, giving the foliage a feathery and airy appearance. Depending on the species, the leaves can be dark green, glossy, or have a bluish-green hue, enhanced by a smooth texture. During autumn, Ash trees display a stunning transformation, as their foliage turns vibrant shades of yellow, gold, and even purple, creating a striking autumnal landscape.

Fraxinus spp. are known for their ability to thrive in a variety of soil conditions, though they prefer well-drained soils with moderate fertility. They are also highly adaptable to different climates, being found predominantly in temperate regions across North America, Europe, and Asia. Ash trees are generally resilient and hardy, making them a popular choice for urban landscapes, parks, and gardens.

Aside from the visual appeal, Fraxinus spp. provide numerous environmental benefits. These trees offer shade and shelter to a variety of wildlife, including birds and insects. They also play a crucial role in enhancing air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Additionally, Ash trees are often utilized for their durable wood, which is commonly used in furniture-making, carpentry, and tool handles.

Overall, Fraxinus spp. are a stunning addition to any landscape, offering an elegant silhouette, attractive foliage, and several environmental advantages.

Flowering: April-May
Height: 20-30
Diameter: ≥ 20
Production: China