
Solanum mammosum (Nipplefruit)



Enjoy sufficient sunlight, resistant to shade


Water thoroughly when soil surface is dry


Dilute fertilizers following instructions, apply once monthly in spring and autumn


Remove flower stem, diseased and rotten leaves timely

More info

Solanum mammosum, also known as Nipplefruit or Cow’s Udder, is a unique tropical plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Indigenous to Central and South America, this perennial herbaceous plant is famous for its distinctive fruit that resembles the shape of a cow’s udder, hence the name.

The Nipplefruit plant typically grows up to 2 meters in height and features large, deeply lobed leaves with a vibrant green color. The flowers are small and star-shaped, offering an attractive display of shades ranging from purple to white. These blossoms then develop into the intriguing fruit that sets Solanum mammosum apart.

The fruit of Solanum mammosum is approximately the size of an orange and possesses a smooth, waxy exterior. Its most notable characteristic is the unique shape, resembling that of a nipple or teardrop. The color of the fruit can vary from pale green to bright orange as it ripens. When fully mature, the skin becomes soft, and the fruit develops a mildly sweet, tropical flavor.

Aside from its unusual appearance, the Nipplefruit is also known for its medicinal properties. Traditionally, it has been utilized in folk medicine to treat various ailments such as skin irritations, coughs, asthma, and digestive disorders. Some cultures also believe that the plant has aphrodisiac effects.

In horticulture, Solanum mammosum is often cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its striking visual appeal. The unique shape and vibrant colors of its fruit make it an enchanting addition to any garden or greenhouse. However, it should be noted that the plant requires warm, tropical climates and well-drained, fertile soil to thrive.

Whether admired for its curious fruit, medicinal benefits, or ornamental value, Solanum mammosum continues to captivate plant enthusiasts and curious onlookers alike with its distinctive attributes.

Flowering: June-September
Diameter: ≥ 10
Production: South China
Origin: Americas